5 Product Description Templates for Creatives


Struggling with how to write intriguing or even entertaining product descriptions. Struggle no more, creative! For here we have epic product descriptions on hand at your leisure, and you can even copy them into your website with ease with handy Evernote, a beloved writing tool of creatives alike.

Learn how to write gripping descriptions for your new products, services, and courses that either impress, leave your readers in fits of laughter, or at least, make them memorable.

Carts shall not be empty with this guidebook filled with tutorials, block writing, examples, suggestions, and ideas. Your products won’t know what wrote them. Was it you, or was it a professional copywriting genius? (Definitely not AI, I assure you.)

You’ll receive 5 different layouts and examples that have been written from scratch by Kerrie Legend, who often lends her typing fingers out for pennies to needy business establishments. This 40+ page guidebook includes access to both the PDF guide as well as copy-and-paste links to Evernote, where you can host your own glorious copy of the product description template.

Use them endlessly and repeatedly for stupendous results. Although be warned: these are surely to entertain and delight, and you may come back for more when they are made available. Can product description writing be entertaining? We shall see.

Launches June 20. Enjoy, and you are welcome for making the WORST aspect of writing for a business the best experience EVER.

things to know | before you purchase

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