How often does free styled stock images come along? Not often. And, what does a blogger do when all of the “good” styled stock photography on all the major stock sites have been used and exhausted?
They find NEW sources of stock photography – especially ones that provide a stylistic approach with a theme in mind – color, tone, background, subject matter – that fits their blog. I’m excited to unveil the beginning of a styled stock photography collection right here on! Enjoy these free styled stock images while you can!
In the meantime, enjoy these 10 free images I’ve put together!

Visit the shop to see all the available styled stock images, photos, and iPad/iPhone mockups. Some bundles come with smart object PSD files that you can use to create amazing promotional images for your social media feed or blog.
I know there’s a lot of options for free styled stock images available online, but I do want to thank you in advance for considering mine and being here!
While we’re at it, let’s cover some of my favorite photographers who have a ton of stock photo images. This one, in particular, is a personal favorite of mine.