Pinterest isn’t just for finding the perfect recipe, finding bookish crafts to do or visually planning your storyline. Nope. It’s so much more than that, because you’ll find group boards to collaborate, and other Pinterest boards related to writing you might find interesting. This is a list of 30 inspirational and delightful Pinterest boards for authors and writers. Whether you need to find inspiration, or things that are bookish, writer-ish, and author-ish, this Pinterest board list is a start to get you writing with ease. These 30 inspiring Pinterest boards writers will definitely want to follow.
What are Pinterest boards?
Pinterest boards are collections of ideas, usually surrounded by a theme. For example, “Self-Publishing Ideas” and “Book Cover Designs” are examples of possible Pinterest boards many authors choose to have. Typically these are set to ‘public’ but you can also make them private if you’re working on a project you don’t want publicized.
What are group boards?
& why you’ll want to join a Pinterest author group board
Group boards are Pinterest boards that have more than one contributor. For example, I belong to a few group boards related to design and marketing, so I contribute some of my own pins from my domain space to the group board, and that way more people can see it. Not all boards are group boards, and you have to request to be a contributor. Pinterest author group boards can also be a great way to get your book marketed without spending a single dime. There are some pretty huge group boards out there related to writing and author-ing, but below we’ll focus just on Pinterest boards for authors.
Used correctly, Pinterest can be your go-to-place for marketing, inspiration, ideas, and income. Writers are no exception to this rule, and many to mark their presence on Pinterest boards find great success. Author boards on Pinterest are plentiful; these are a few of the best ones.
(P.S. Be sure to follow me on Pinterest – over 14 million monthly viewers!)
1. Writing Tips by Kerrie Legend
Let’s start with one of mine, because I’ve curated this board pretty well. This writing tips board has everything from word replacement options to master lists for characters, plots, names, etc. So check this one out because I think it’ll help you!
2. Ink and Quills Writing Tips Board
This is a BIG board by Ink and Quills, and it’s considered a group board so lots of people (specifically writers) can contribute their best writing tips to it.
3. Jorden Makelle of Creative Revolt
Love the creativity and boldness of her boards. Follow her entire profile to get the full impact of her pins. She’s also very much into freelancing over at
4. Jody Hedlund’s How to Edit Board
Super colorful resource for writers who don’t like to send their manuscript to their editor in a, um, less than wonderful status. This is a Pinterest board for authors who need to self-edit or find the perfect editor, as well.
5. Shauna Philp’s Writing Tips Board
Oh yes. Shauna has a beautiful board setup with all sorts of writing tips. I also love her board covers and that she took the time to make them so lovely. Well done, Shauna!
6. Writers Relief’s Getting Help With Your Writing board
Improve your writing with this board – character names, master your dialogue, plot yourself silly right there.
7. Book-Inspired Crafts board
Bookish crafts and inspiration right here. Super cool board I think you’ll love!
8. BookBub’s Pinterest Profile
If you’re like me, sometimes you’re so busy doing things that you miss all the cool releases. BookBub hooks you up with everything new and it’s beautifully categorized by genre so you can pick and choose which boards you’re really into there.
9. Book Riot’s Cover Lovin’ Board
Get yourself out of your genre’s design rut with some inspiration here. Not every cover in the genre has to have the same look. Discover. Explore. Be bold, my friend.
10. NaNoWriMo’s Writerly Inspiration Board
I’d be silly not to include #nanowrimo’s board here. Lots of positive quotes to keep you inspired, and lovely writing help is on this board.
11. Home Girl London’s Home Office Inspiration board
Everything from inspirational and lovely home office ideas to minimalist concepts, and fancy, luxurious workspaces.
12. Levo League’s Productivity and Organization board
Tons of apps, productivity worksheets, organizational tips, and help to stay organized and get the writing job done.
13. Arts and Classy’s Blogging + Content Marketing Board
HUGE board of over 100k pins. Everything from content marketing to blogging tips. While you’re fishing around for ideas in there, it’d be a good thing to start an editorial calendar!
14. Thea Easterby’s Pinterest Profile
Thea Easterby, aka, has a fantastic Pinterest profile with all things positive and motivating. Of all the boards related to being a writer, this is the one I find to be most oriented to self-care and mindfulness. Love it. Love all of it.
15. Bullet Journal Board
Writing layouts, artistic ideas for your #bujo board covers, how to use your bullet journal with The Chunky Method (Allie Pleiter) for your writing, bullet journal layout ideas, and more. If you want to be inspired by self-made planners and calendars, this is the board for tracking your year!
16. Social Media Tips Board
Need help with your social media strategy? Need to change up your game plan and see how bigger bloggers get stuff done? This is the board you’ll want to follow.
17. Grammarly’s The Incredible English Language board
The English language is a funny thing, and it contradicts itself a lot. You’ll get a few laughs from reading these Pins, along with a reminder to always proofread your work!
18. Jenny Bravo’s Writing Tips & Books to Read
For one, I love Jenny Bravo. Her entire Pinterest profile (just follow her and all her boards will follow). You’ll find inspiration, what to do when everything you write feels like it’s sucking the big one, motivation and creativity boards. Super awesome. Love it. Love all of it.
19. Identity Division’s Laptop Cafes Board
Locate a quiet place to work on your writing projects.
20. Angie Cruise’s Work From Home Board
I like this Pinterest board because it’s organized into sections. Angie does a great job of curating pins here and keeps us all organized with those. Definitely recommend if you’re struggling with working from home.
21. Bookstagram Board
For those of you that haven’t taken the time to test or notice, #bookstagram pins (don’t hijack the hashtag, people, if it’s not a real bookstagram image – follow these basic guidelines) are performing 10x as well as standard book covers. It’s something I’ve been testing the past few months and something to note if you want to get your books in front of the eyes of readers. This board is full of various bookstagram images and inspiration for them so you know what is popular for book marketing.
22. Joanna Penn’s Pens, Ink and Notebooks Board
Inky delights, paperish and writerish supplies all over this board. A must-follow for writer gear!
23. KM Weiland’s The Write Stuff Board
Writing gifts, food for while you’re writing, and articles from KM Weiland’s blog. Excellent material and a board that I follow, as well.
24. Real Simple’s Books to Read Board
Discover new books, older books, and find new books to read. This is a great recommendation board. You can also see what’s on my own list.
25. Freelance Writing Board
Pretty popular board here with 17k followers – learn how to freelance and get paid!
26. The Write Life’s Writer’s Toolbox Board
Great compilation board of writerish inspiration and book porn.
27. Muse Mariah’s Book Cover Inspiration
I love this board because there’s such a variety of style and Photoshop technique going on here. This is a Pinterest board for authors I love to glance at once in a while, just for a design inspiration refresh.
28. Willow Editing’s Self-Care for Writers Board
Love, love, love this board by Willow Editing. Everything self-care and positive for writers. If you need an emotional boost, here you go.
29. Bookish Things Board
This is a board that is full of ALL THE THINGS bookish. It’s seriously one of the most diverse bookish boards out there. Recommend perusing and seeing if anything wows you!
30. Fonts & Typography
One of the largest fonts & typography boards on Pinterest! Get inspired for your next book project with amazing fonts. Also, be sure to pay close attention to font combination pins as they’ll be your guide on what works well together. Hint: thick, hard-to-read brush fonts are no longer in style. Stop using them. You’ll find plenty of other wonderful fonts here to use instead.
Favorite Pinterest Boards for Authors
Do you have a favorite writing-related Pinterest board? Or maybe you want to challenge yourself in finding other boards. If you want to level up, try searching and joining other Pinterest for authors group boards. Author group boards are fun because you can share ideas and comment directly on each others’ pins.