Companies invest thousands of dollars when they want to design their website. Many others spend a small fortune on a redesign in the hope that making it more attractive can increase sales.
Many businesses invest thousands and sometime this runs into the millions when they want to design their website and many other spend a small fortune on a website redesign in the hope and it is often just that, a hope that making it more attractive will increase sales.
Does the design of your website really make that much of a difference? It certainly does.
The Wow Factor
Many business owners look for that special “wow factor” that will impress your visitors, but don’t forget that really simple and rather plain websites can work exceptionally well too. If they allow the user to do what they want to do at the website quickly and easily, just look at Google and how simple and plain their search engine appears. Flash websites were all the rage some time back however all consumers really want is to get to their desired content as quickly as possible.
If you still want to wow visitors, choose striking colors and easy to read fonts for text, especially for your headlines. Pro Tip: there is a reason Amazon uses the colors it does rather than its former color schemes and fonts.
The Appearance Needs to Match What You are Selling
Amazon colors are pretty neutral and could be used for almost any business, this might make it hard to stand out. On the other hand, it’s possible to stand out in a bad way, such as by using a black background with red or white text. Goths might love it, but seniors and those who are visually impaired might struggle to read the words on the page.
Conversely, pink and purple might be good for certain types of business, but would clearly not be in keeping with Coca-Cola’s standard color scheme. If you already have a logo, match the colors on your site to it. If you don’t already have it, choose a color scheme and then hire someone to design one for you.
Use similar colors for highlight text, and use sparingly. Use similar fonts in your marketing material as you do with your logo. Don’t make it so fancy that you really can’t tell what the logo is supposed to represent.
Consistent Site-Wide Navigation for Ease of Use
Google rewards sites that have site-wide navigation that is the same on each page. So while you might be tempted to have a magazine-style blog, for example, using a trendy template from WordPress, it could cost you dearly in terms of Google and visitors. If your customers arrive at a site with thumbnail images all over the place, they might literally not know where to start. If you don’t have a navigation bar down the right side, be sure the search box for your website is in plain view.
Mobile Friendly
Even now with the amount of smartphones around, some websites are still not mobile friendly. Websites have to look good even on small screens, and there should be clickable buttons rather than links, which can be difficult to click on correctly (especially if there is no space between the links).
Housekeeping Pages for Confidence
Google awards pages that have “housekeeping links”, such as About Us, Contact Us and so on. They lend an “air of credibility” and confidence that visitors are in the right place and that you are a legitimate business, not a mad spammer or something else.
Design a clean, uncluttered website or blog and see how much your customers keep coming back for more. If you need help please contact me or have a look at one of my website packages.