“I have no time to write!” Sound familiar? I struggled with that, too, at one point. Then I got smart. As a mom of 6 boys and a whole business to run, I had to find a solution that built my writing platform and followers without requiring me to be writing for my blog on a daily basis and trying to think of what to say. This post is all about how to get more writing done, simply by planning out your posts in advance.
I know most of my followers are my fellow indie author writers and the rest are bloggers of some sort, so I can completely relate to the concept of wanting to have time to write. Well, plan to carve out more time on your calendar to allocate to this, because I’m going to help you cut down on the amount of “marketing” activity you’re doing and show you how to streamline it all first.
This post is mainly for those of you that are randomly blogging on a daily basis without much forethought except for “I need to make more book sales” or “I need to get people to sign up for this”. Panster blogging has no place in your life. What I’m going to show you is going to alleviate stress, reduce the amount of busy time you’re spending on worthless marketing and actually get you followers that you need to make your goals and strategy work.
No more panster blogging.
The first thing you have to do is plan. No more panster blogging. You need to get your headlines and blog titles established ahead of time – and I recommend doing it all in one swoop. Sit down, and spend five minutes on this. Plan the entire future month’s worth of posts. You’re probably wondering… where do you get all the ideas for 30 or so blog title headlines?
Look on Pinterest. In a few of my boards, I have pins that relate to blog titles that work, blog headlines that people will actually open and read, and so many more cheat sheets. (Hint – look at my blogging board). This was all carefully planned in advance using a content calendar – this is how to get more writing done.