youtube channel

Should Your Blog Business Have a YouTube Channel?

Should your blog have a YouTube channel? I have found a lot of benefits to having one; here are a few reasons you might want to consider it.

Videos are booming in popularity for entertainment purposes, but smart marketers are learning how to make the most of them for business purposes as well. A lot of small companies are now trying to take advantage of video by starting their own YouTube channel. There are several reasons why you should have one.


YouTube is one of the top five most popular websites in the world, giving you a great opportunity to be seen. You can’t make the most of the vast amount of traffic it gets every day unless you start posting your own videos.

Google Owns YouTube

Google is the number one search engine in the world, and owns YouTube. This being the case, it lists relevant YouTube videos on the search engine results pages. If you have a great video about clean eating, for example, you have a chance to been seen at the top of the search engine results pages.

YouTube Is a Search Engine in Its Own Right

A lot of people search for things right on YouTube. Sure, most people love funny cat videos, but they are also looking for information, how-to’s, news and more.

YouTube Is a Social Media Site

YouTube has become a social media site as well, an extension of Google+. People can comment on videos they like and reply to each other. You don’t have to turn on comments if you don’t wish to, but it could be a way to interact with your target audience like never before.

A Good Place to Generate Leads

If you are using email marketing to keep in touch with your prospective customers, having your own YouTube channel can drive viewers to the pages you wish them to in order to subscribe to one of your marketing lists.

Getting Channel Subscribers

You can also get channel subscribers. Every time you post new content, your subscribers will be able to see it and interact with it.

Making Sales

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video can be worth tens of thousands. It can be much easier to sell an item if you create an interesting sales letter video and link to the page to buy it. Seeing the item in action might be just what you need to persuade people to buy.

Helping Visual Learners

About 70% of us are visual learners, so offering information via video can be a lot more attractive to many people than having to plow through a lot of words on the page.

Channels and Playlists

Think of your channel as a TV station. Think of your playlists as TV shows. Separate your topics by creating playlists. For example, if you have a site about dog training, you might have playlists for puppies, obedience training, agility training and so on.

Sharing and Embedding

YouTube allows you to share your content on social networks with a click. You can also grab the embed code to put into any webpage, and those who love your content can share and embed it as well.

If you aren’t already using YouTube for marketing purposes, it’s time to start you own channel.

pst! – I do not accept money for my editorial content or posts. All opinions are my own and are not influenced by third parties. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. This helps keep the blog running!

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