So you have a blog. And you think you might have a website traffic problem. But do you really? Or do you have a website conversion problem? Let’s figure out your website conversion rate and increase your website conversion rate for better optimization.
You put your heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears into your blog. You might even have a book that you’ve written and it’s published on Amazon. Or you have a product of some sort – a course, digital product, or printables.
Your website hits are low despite blogging, pinning and posting on Pinterest and Instagram. You don’t have many subscribers to your blog. And you’re wondering… is my mic on? What is happening? And then between the soft sobs, tears, vodka and reading post after post you stumble on this one to give you some actual clarity.
I’m going to tell you something that it takes website owners a long time, sometimes years, to figure out.
Website Conversion Optimization
You don’t have a website traffic problem. You have what is called a content conversion problem, which is a website conversion rate issue.
The reason I can say that for certain is because between all of the social media channels and people who use the internet, there are BILLIONS of people online every single day looking and searching for things.
Check your impressions on Google Search Console. Look at all the impressions you’re getting, and compare that with your CTR, or click-through-rate. If you’re getting click throughs, but then not getting sales or even an email subscriber out of the visit, then you for sure have a website conversion problem; not a traffic problem.
Impressions, But Low Engagement
Let’s say you’re getting impressions because you’re using great keywords and keyword phrases, but you can’t seem to get people to interact with your website.
They’re just not choosing to engage with you because you currently don’t have anything that is massively interesting to them. That’s the reality. But the good news is, you can change all that.
Changing your content to offer a strong lead magnet solution, or something unique and interesting that is not available on other websites, is the answer to all of this. The trick to converting on your website is to get your reader to say “yes” to you, and condition them to say yes.
Once you’ve achieved the “yes” behavior, you’ll start building trust with your reader and audience, and convert more engagements. As you convert more engagements, you’ll start converting more sales.
Now, sometimes, you might have a product or offer that’s simply irresistible, hot, and new. In those cases, you might have an easier conversion and higher website conversion rate. You can always increase website conversion rate when you have a hot new product that is high in demand or desire.
Convert By Problem Solving
Content conversion is specific – it’s not necessarily about whether your site is making sales. It has to do with the quality of the material you’re generating. What you need to focus on is optimization of your conversion rate. Do you solve a problem? Have you installed a lead magnet that gets people to sign up? Often times, that gets the engine running to increase website conversion rate.
What problem do you solve? Think about ways you can leverage a lead magnet to help people solve a challenge they’re having. Help your readers solve a problem by providing intense detail. This is not a place to be vague. Conversion rates go down when readers see that you are going to be vague and only express interest in helping them if you buy their course or other product.
You want your reader to experience wins with you early on. The sooner, the better!
Are people actually interested in what you have to say?
Content conversion has a lot of variables attached to it so your ability to diagnose the exact issue is going to take some effort. Pay attention to these variables for better website conversion rate optimization. But here are some things to contemplate as you evaluate your situation:
- Have you invested time and energy into your graphics and if so, are they designer-grade and not just stock photos you’ve downloaded?
- Are you using “dead” or undesirable fonts and colors? By the way, if you’re using Papyrus, please stop.
- Is your blog content a niche or are you all over the place with your content topic?
- Are you making it easy for people to find stuff for sale on your site?
- Do you have a sales funnel? And if so, is it working?
- Are you posting on the regular? (30+ times for Pinterest, 2-3/day for Instagram, once daily for blogging, 24+ times on Twitter)
- Are you using Google Analytics to determine where your traffic flow stops?
- Are people engaging with your posts? If not, have you evaluated whether you’re making it about THEM as opposed to about YOU?
- Do you offer something that people just don’t need or they can get somewhere else for free?
- Have you invested in paid search advertising and used all free forms of website traffic opportunities?
Take some time and consider these pointers and determine if some modifications are needed. Remember to reach out and ask for help from a professional if you’re stuck or lost. There could be something easy to fix that you’re just not seeing. Website conversion rate optimization
Resources for Website Conversion
One of THE BEST investments you can make with your blog is this planner workbook and planning guide. It’ll help you organize your content upgrades, plan your products, and get your content planned out. This workbook helps you get back to your core business, which is good to revisit every so often to determine if you’re on track or if you’re shifting a bit. (Both are totally ok – just need to plan for that).
Another thing to do is to invest in SEO tools like SEMRush or Ubersuggest. I use both, actually, on a monthly basis. These kinds of tools will help you with your website conversion optimization, so you can check on your text-to-html ratio, where you rank on Google, how fast your page is loading, and whether there are any other issues you might have.
Parting Thoughts
So again, the traffic is out there. You just need to be consistent with your posting, your content, and make sure that it’s timely, relevant to your audience, and provides value. Quite simple when you think about it, but it’s a bit tougher to execute when you’re sitting down and looking at it with such a big project in front of you. Take it in steps. You got this!
Start with an SEO audit using SEMRush. I’ve been through a site audit before and gosh it’s scary getting the results; I winced when I got mine. But little by little, you can make your site better, provide for a much more optimal user experience, and convert more sales. After all, that’s why you’re growing and building your website, right?!
Bottom line, take the time to do the testing, pay attention to the details of a self-site audit, and you’ll find amazing results.