
Sign up below to be challenged in growing your blog, get blog business help, write better copy, and DIY design your best blog ever. When you sign up, you’re going to get personal tips from me, examples of what to do, what not to do, and access to challenges I’ve created to keep you on a path of challenging yourself against… yourself.

If you’re looking for a seasoned professional for blog business help, you’re in the right place! Learn from some of my mistakes but also a lot of my triumphs. I frequently talk about marketing, but more specifically, email marketing, Pinterest marketing, and copywriting. You’ll find valuable insight and stories, experiences on my blog, where I share my thoughts with you.

Where you’ll find me the most helpful in getting blog business help is my experience and knowledge about Pinterest marketing. My book on Pinterest marketing is the #1 preferred book on the topic, because of the depth of detail as well as insight into how to grow your account and web traffic with all the changes Pinterest is going through. If you’re struggling with blog traffic, I recommend that as an immediate must-read.

I’m looking forward to helping you on your path to writing and design! See my other topics that I can help you with and access those dedicated topic resource libraries, as well. Or, if you like to read books and learn that way, you can see the books I’ve published and learn some pretty incredible tips and tricks.

Happy creating,


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